Thursday, June 29, 2006


just had a conversation with my parents about wanting to go across the country for work. a company that i applied to called me back for an interview. i was discussing what i would do to get across the country or whatever. they weren't thrilled but they definitely didn't forbid me. they recommended i talk to my relative who's in the industry that i want to enter to see how best to get my foot in the door. one thing i know is i'm trying to take care of myself, not live for my parents, and obviously listen for what God wants me to do.

buffett/gates - baby killers?

i just read this article where anti-abortion activists accuse Warren Buffett and Bill Gates of killing babies because they have pledged support to planned parenthood (pp) and international birth-control programs. however, the bill & melinda gates foundation (bmf, for short) has donated less than 1% of their funds to pp, and they have specified that the funds not be used for abortions.

for the record:
- i am a christian
- i do not support abortion
- i do support birth control
- i don't support planned parenthood because of their abortion programs

that being said,
i think it's ridiculous that these groups are spending so much effort condemning buffett and gates. how much money have they donated to help people who are less fortunate than themselves? or do they just focus their money on their own homogenized group?

sure, i understand derailing abortion. i do not believe it is right to kill a baby - period. but from what i've read, gates' organization is not about abortion but about preventing unwanted pregnancies from occurring in the first place.

why are some groups so eager to have children born to families and environments where they will do nothing but suffer? why support creating children that will die of malnutrition, disease, etc.? no, i don't support killing a baby that has already been created but most definitely i support limiting the number of babies created.

i believe there are already too many people on the planet. i am all for providing birth control, especially in these periphery countries where people are in extreme poverty.

i don't understand why people are so eager to defend people who haven't been born yet, and meantime they don't show one-tenth of the same compassion for people already on this planet. i care about unborn babies, but i also care about people already born. i know, sounds sort of self-righteous. i guess my point is it just irks me how organizations (regardless of who they are) only look at one thing when there's so much more.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ready for love?

(yes, i know that the last few entry titles have ended with question marks)

i'm starting to feel like i'd like to be in love. i can't believe i said that. for so long (two years, to be exact) i've said that i do not want to be in love. well, at least for a long while. and not until someone loves me also.

actually, i was thinking how nice it would be to have someone on top of me... (i'll let you use your imagination for the rest). but the only way it'd really be good is if we loved each other. i know. i've had enough encounters without love to know that for a fact - a fact for me, at least.

who knows. i guess i don't want to rush. well yeah, i don't want to rush. but it would be nice nonetheless.

blew his head open?

wait, i thought i was reading the news, not the latest action thriller. sounds a little sensationalized, i think. they could've spared me. i would've deduced, after he was shot in the head and neck 15 times, that chances were his head blew open. but thanks for confirming it.

Senior Mexican police officer shot dead in Cancun

Gunmen killed a senior police officer in the Mexican resort of Cancun on Monday night, blowing his head open in the latest grisly assassination to hit the country.

Police officials in Cancun said local police chief of staff Wilfrido Flores, 56, and his bodyguard were shot dead in their car in a busy avenue in the Caribbean resort, one of Mexico's biggest tourist pulls, just before midnight.

However they played down links to a spate of similar killings in cities like Acapulco and Tijuana in a brutal war among drugs cartels and security forces.

"They were fired at half an hour after leaving the office. We don't know how many or who they were. (Flores) had 15 bullet wounds, mainly in his head and neck. A lot of his face was destroyed," said police spokesman Oscar Meza.

"It surprised us. We can't see a motive. He works in an office planning public security. He's not on operations and has nothing to do with investigating drug cartels," he said.

Last weekend alone, kidnappers killed four policemen in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero -- gagging and shooting three and beheading another -- and seven civilian murders were reported.

Last week, police in Tijuana said they had found the severed heads of three police officers and a fourth man.

Drug violence and attacks on police have risen in the run-up to the July 2 election, which has leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and conservative Felipe Calderon in a close race for the presidency.

"Of course, they are not creating any problem for the election," President Vicente Fox's spokesman Ruben Aguilar said.

The violence flared up after Fox launched a war on drug cartels early last year.

Police killings are rarer in Cancun, although the resort has seen a handful of gory civilian murders in recent months. Flores was a former army colonel.

switch to the macbook

that way, maybe people can avoid the exploding dells.

so, should i be a lesbian?

i'm just saying, if the youngest brothers in families have a tendency to be gay, what about sisters?
expect them to use monkeys to determine outcome.

Sexual orientation of men determined before birth

A man's sexual orientation appears to be determined in the womb, a new study suggests.

Past research by Dr. Anthony F. Bogaert of Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario and colleagues has shown that the more older brothers a man has, the more likely he is to be gay. But it has not been clear if this is a prenatal effect or a psychosocial effect, related to growing up with older male siblings.

To investigate, Bogaert studied 944 gay and straight men, including several who were raised with adopted, half- or step-siblings or were themselves adopted. He reasoned that if the relationship between having older male siblings and homosexuality was due to family environment or child-rearing practices, it would be seen whether or not a man's older brothers were biological or adopted.

Bogaert found that the link between having older brothers and homosexuality was present only if the siblings were biologically related -- this relationship was seen between biological brothers who were not raised together. The amount of time that a man was reared with older brothers had no association with sexual orientation.

"These results support a prenatal origin to sexual orientation development in men and indicate that the fraternal birth-order effect is probably the result of a maternal 'memory' for male gestations or births," Bogaert writes in his report in PNAS Early Edition.

A woman's body may see a male fetus as "foreign," Bogaert explains, and her immune response to subsequent male fetuses may grow progressively stronger.

"If this immune theory were correct, then the link between the mother's immune reaction and the child's future sexual orientation would probably be some effect of maternal anti-male antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain," he suggests.

Other lines of research also support the sexual orientation-maternal immune response link, he notes.

SOURCE: PNAS Early Edition, June 26, 2006.


that's funny - i wrote "a-hole" (spelt out), but it looks like blogger changed it to "stiff". i guess "shit" is okay but "a-hole" isn't. *chuckle*

spreading the love

between a PILL and a HARD place

a blue pill, to be exact. looks like good ole drug addict rush limbaugh needs them to get it up. wonder if he can use his charms from down below to coerce some female judge to keep his plea deal. or maybe he'd prefer a male judge - a lot of those stiff pubs secretly swing that way.

(ooh, this shit makes me cackle.)

yes, i said cackle. and yes, i know witches cackle. and it is sort of witchy, i suppose, because it's never good to triumph in someone else's problems. but it is ironic and hypocritical and amusing that these asshole pubs (including florida governor jeb bush) love to hate on drug addicts when they (or in bush's case, his daughter) are drug addicts themselves.

throwing those damn stones when they have a glass house.

and now excuse me while i go and protect my own glass house!

Rush Limbaugh under new investigation

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic. Customs officials found the Viagra in his luggage but his name was not on the prescription, said Paul Miller, a spokesman for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

Miller said the alleged violation could be a second-degree misdemeanor. The sheriff's office was investigating and will soon turn the case over to the state attorney's office, which had no immediate comment Tuesday.

Under the deal reached last month with prosecutors, Limbaugh was not to be arrested for any infraction for 18 months in exchange for authorities deferring a charge of "doctor shopping." Prosecutors had alleged the conservative talk-show host illegally deceived multiple physicians to receive overlapping painkiller prescriptions.

Limbaugh also must submit to random drug tests and continue treatment for his admitted addiction to painkillers.

Limbaugh's doctor had prescribed the Viagra, but it was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes," Roy Black, Limbaugh's attorney, said in a statement.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection examined the 55-year-old radio commentator's luggage after his private plane landed at the airport, Miller said.

Investigators confiscated the drugs, which treat erectile dysfunction. Limbaugh was released without being charged.


Rush Limbaugh Jokes About Viagra Find

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Investigators were trying to determine Tuesday whether Rush Limbaugh violated a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case when authorities found he had a bottle of Viagra that was apparently prescribed to someone else.

Limbaugh, 55, was detained for more than three hours Monday at Palm Beach International Airport after he returned on his private plane from a vacation in the Dominican Republic. Customs officials found Viagra in his bag, but his name wasn't on the prescription, Palm Beach County sheriff's spokesman Paul Miller said.

Limbaugh's lawyer, Roy Black, said the prescription was written in Limbaugh's doctor's name "for privacy purposes." The conservative radio host was released without being charged and investigators confiscated the Viagra, which treats erectile dysfunction.

Limbaugh joked about the search on his radio show Tuesday, saying Customs officials didn't believe him when he said he got the pills at the Clinton Library and he was told they were blue M&Ms. He later added, chuckling: "I had a great time in the Dominican Republic. Wish I could tell you about it."

It is generally not illegal under Florida law for a physician to prescribe medication in a third party's name if all parties are aware and the doctor documents it correctly, said Mike Edmondson, a spokesman for the state attorney in Palm Beach County. He would not discuss specifics in the Limbaugh case Tuesday.

The sheriff's office was continuing its investigation and would soon turn the case over to prosecutors, Edmondson said. The alleged violation could be a second-degree misdemeanor if Limbaugh's doctor doesn't confirm the prescription.

Under last month's deal with prosecutors, authorities will dismiss a "doctor shopping" charge if Limbaugh doesn't get arrested for 18 months, among other terms. Prosecutors had said he illegally deceived multiple doctors to get overlapping painkiller prescriptions. Limbaugh denied the charges but admitted he was addicted to painkillers.

This latest case may simply be dismissed if prosecutors can confirm with Limbaugh's doctor that the prescription was indeed for Limbaugh, said Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. attorney in Florida.

"It's perhaps a little embarrassing but not highly incriminating," Coffey said.

In addition, possession of Viagra is in a "completely different universe than a matter that would involve Schedule Two (controlled) substances such as OxyContin" Coffey added.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Viagra is not considered a controlled substance because "it's not something you can be addicted to," said DEA Investigator Maria Gilbert.

The Food and Drug Administration oversees regulations concerning non-addictive drugs that are not considered controlled substances, Gilbert said. A telephone call to the FDA was not immediately returned Tuesday.

(both articles by Brian Skoloff)

i'd laugh, too, if people were thinking (not definitely planning) about charging me after they found me with drugs. what was i writing about yesterday?!

another star

... and she doesn't sound happy.

Star Jones Reynolds leaving 'The View'

Don't expect any smackdown between Rosie O'Donnell and Star Jones Reynolds on "The View." Reynolds said Tuesday she was leaving the show. She told People magazine, "I feel like I was fired."

Rumors that she was leaving have intensified since the April announcement that Rosie O'Donnell would be replacing Meredith Vieira on "The View" in the fall.

O'Donnell had made several caustic remarks about Reynolds, saying that it was dishonest for her to talk about losing more than 100 pounds through diet and exercise without talking about gastric bypass surgery.

Reynolds, one of the original cast members of Barbara Walters' daily chatfest, made the announcement after the first commercial break of "The View" on Tuesday, saying the show had decided to move in a new direction.

"I'm not sure what the future holds," she said. "But I'm absolutely sure who holds the future."

Her announcement came on the same day that Lloyd Grove's gossip column in the New York Daily News headlined: "Star gazing may end soon for `View'-ers," and repeated one of O'Donnell's quotes about Reynolds.

Walters, after beckoning the studio audience to give Reynolds a standing ovation, indicated the timing was a surprise. She expressed her "sadness that it has turned out this way."

"I can't imagine how `The View' would have succeeded without you," she said.

Comic Joy Behar looked like she was shocked.

"Who am I going to fight with?" Behar said.

Reynolds replied: "Something tells me you will have somebody to fight with."

apparently, too many bi-otches for one show.

now i hold my breath...

i had an interview about an hour ago with a woman for a company. i didn't mention it because I didn't want to jinx myself. It's the only company that's called me back (I've sent out over 45 resumes!), and the more I think about it, I realize I'd really like to work there. But there are a million people interested in the position of course. I probably won't even know if they are interested for a couple weeks. Then I'll be doing the next round of interviews; it wouldn't be a set deal.

ugh, brings up my insecurities and fears and humility. lets me see that i'm not superwoman and that even though, of course, i wanted a job right when my current one ends, i will be unemployed at the least for a little while.

i'm sending prayers to God and i hope... well, i know He hears me. i don't even want to ask for Him to grant it because i don't want to get my hopes up.

humility. humility admitting i don't (in a couple days) have a job.

oh well. at the very least, i know everything will work out. know it.

ok, i feel slightly better now.

Monday, June 26, 2006

nuclear craziness

explain this shit to me: the u.s. and some other countries are about to shit their pants because they fear that iran has nuclear weapons (this sounds oddly familiar... sounds like... iraq, perhaps?) so they're having a hernia over iran for some suspicion that they have about them, and meanwhile north korea not only has a nuclear weapon, but they are threatening to use it. not just threatening, but vowing. and the same damn administration that is freaking out over iran is trying to patiently negotiate with north korea. huh? what kind of double-standard bullshit is this? why, i haven't heard of anything so crazy since... i found out that we had the same nuclear weapons we were screaming about.

it's like little children on the playground. johnny can have the super soaker gun, but lizzie can't because she's a girl. but wait, susan has one and she's a girl, but she also is best friends with johnny. johnny is having a fit because he thinks lizzie has a small water gun. meanwhile, kevin has a super soaker, but johnny is trying to calmly talk kevin out of getting him wet.

i'm sure neo-cons are going to say it's not as simple as this; that i love to generalize. but still and all, *shaking my head* in the words of gwen:

"this shit is bananas. b-a-n-a-n-a-s"

sniffing a free pass

it really irks me how all these rich people get slaps on the hand when they fuck up, but everyday people get major jail time.

for instance, AP reports, "Boy George won't be going to jail. But the former Culture Club singer got a scolding from a judge Monday for not complying with the terms of his sentence on a drug charge." let that be a poor person. do you really think that they'd just be scolded if they didn't comply with their sentence?

another: remember when michelle rodriguez got her, what was it, fiftieth dui (for technicalities, read here) and she was supposed to go to jail for sixty days. she ended up serving four hours because "the jail was overcrowded." what crock!

and kate moss, who's seen on pictures snorting away, not only gets a rack of modeling deals, but also the british have decided not to prosecute her. let that be a poor, colored person and if they just think the person did coke, they'd lock them up in prison in a second.

don't get me wrong - i don't support criminalizing drug use. if people want to use drugs and fuck themselves up, that is truly their prerogative. i think it's ri-di-cu-lous that we put people in jail for that. but i'll save that ran for another day.

nonetheless, if we are going to put people in jail for using drugs, let's treat all people the same. fuck the you're-a-celebrity-i'll-let-you-off-the-hook.

it looks like i just touched on the famous issue. i'll leave the rich issue for another time.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

so nasty

no, i didn't run into anything so nasty. that was what my mom just told me. she saw that my room was messy and started talking about it and then talked about how she and my dad should've made me keep my room clean when i was young. i said, "you tried but i'd just hide the mess." she shook her head and i thought she'd chuckle with me, but instead she says, "i don't know how you and your brother ended up being so nasty."

huh? what the fuck? this wasn't supposed to be a criticize-your-daughter convo. and i didn't appreciate her lumping my brother and me in the same categroy because he's definitely messy; i'm just general messy. still and all, what the fuck was that about? and i had cleaned my room a lot yesterday, so even though it still looked bad, it was no-where near as bad.

anyway, i told her to be quiet and walked off and slammed the door. yeah, my maturity level flew off the richter there. but it just reiterates what i know, which is:

i need to get the fuck out of the house as soon as possible!!!

the po-po

i was watching a rerun of black.white. and an ex-gang member, kenny, was talking with nick. he was asking nick why he doesn't like the police. nick answered that nobody liked the police. kenny said, "that's a lie. normal people love the police."

quite frankly, i think they're both wrong. first of all, not everyone doesn't like the police. there are plenty of people who like the police. and even with the people who don't, if it's a moment where they need the cops for something, they sure like them all of a sudden. for instance, someone may hate the cops, but if that person is about to get killed by someone and a cop intervenes, if nothing else, for that minute, they will like the police then.

on the other hand, i don't agree with kenny's assessment. it almost sounds like he's saying, if you're normal, you'll love the police. as though all normal people have reason to love, or at least like, the police. sure, non-criminals are going to probably like the police more than criminals. but there are innocent people who don't like the police.

let's take me, for instance. in a fairly black city that i lived in, i used to often hang out in a non-white part of town. i'd notice, as i was walking to the grocery store or going to a bead shop that any time a cop would be near me, he'd start staring at me and not take his eyes off of me. i'm talking about a police officer driving past me and watching me even once his car had past me. meanwhile, all i was doing was strolling to the store. after a few occassions of this, i moved from just watching them watch me to glaring at them and swearing at them. not cussing them out loudly. but cussing them out nonetheless.

do i like the po? in general, no. do i hate cops? nah, i don't think that's the case either. i have relatives and friends' relatives who are and who've been cops; i have no problem with them. i think part of my problem with cops is the punishment part of their jobs. the bureaucracy of it. how often do cops reward good behavior? now, how often do cops punish bad behavior? it's a punishment society; it's crazy. i think the other reason why i don't like cops is their profiling. they all seem to have their eyes out for black people to fuck up. say i sound like a paranoid, they're-out-to-get-us person. i would love for it not to be the case. i'm speaking from my experience, and what good would it be if i didn't share the truth because it's not pretty? because it puts me in a certain stereotype? because it makes me seem like a bitter black person? i'm sharing my truth.

and the truth shall set you free.

i'm cheering for ghana

yep, i have to say that when ghana was playing the usa, i was secretly cheering for ghana. i guess it wasn't too much of a secret, but i only mentioned it to my mom. she said, "you probably don't want to mention that at work." what would it matter; i won't be working there after this week.

well, i wasn't enough of a fan to get up early to watch it. not that serious. i did cheer, though, when i heard ghana won. i mean, it makes sense to cheer for the black people. and while most of the good teams have black people on them, you don't get more black than africa. i have to cheer for my african brothers and sisters, right?

plus, i'd thought of doing a semester abroad, and after debating between a couple countries, i chose ghana. i was already looking at the courses that i wanted to do. my parents didn't want me to go there for a few reasons, so i didn't. in retrospect, i wish i had.

anyway, i'm cheering ghana still. they're the only african country left in the world cup. plus, i like their flag.

ghana's world cup page

Saturday, June 24, 2006

star gossip

if i've learned anything through my journalism classes, it's that truth is an absolute defense against libel. on the flip side, assuming something is true and reporting it as gospel fact - and it ending up that it's not true - can get your ass a hefty price. that being said, i'll briefly share some gossip i was informed about, but i won't mention names. this info comes from a very credible source. she not only lived in star-land, but she was in the mix 24/7 for more than a decade. without further ado...

three gay guys. hmm, sounds good enough to be a fairytale - one was too short, one was too tall- no, i'm joking. yet there they are, three gay men. two are good friends (i wonder how good). two share the same name. one is a spokesman for an organization that would probably frown on his lifestyle. at least two are married. one person had a difficult marriage with someone else b/c while his wife knew what she was marrying into, she ended up falling in love with him. awww. if he doesn't play for your team, honey, loving him won't help.

a couple is in love. hopefully the guy is sober, because apparently he has/had a huge drug problem. heroin. cocaine. i mean, coke is one thing to fuck with, but heroin - that's just asking for a lifetime of misery.

ok, that's it. let's just say when i found out these stories, they're juicy enough that my eyes (and the eyes of my friends with me) grew wide and we gasped in disbelief. hollywood really is gaywood. too bad these people feel like they need to hide.

i'd definitely going to push her for more gossip. i relish it.


yep, as i was about to drive past the gas station, holding my breath, i saw 2.99. i was stunned. you mean to tell me gas is back in the 2's!, i thought. granted, it was the lowest grade. still, that was good enough for a stop. i spent 10 dollars and i got more than three gallons of gas. amazing!

Friday, June 23, 2006

shopping sites

ok, everyone who knows me knows two things:
1) i love shopping online, and
2) i'm the queen of the sites

[ok, i'll rephrase that:
1) i love to look online; i rarely have the money to shop, and
2) i'm the queen of sites around my friends who aren't that shopping-savvy; shopping mavens would definitely give me a run for my money.]

nonetheless, here's some sites that i like:
  • intuition (i love this site, but they have bad customer service)
  • asos (this british site rocks! awesome prices)
  • ravinstyle (they have some cute stuff)
  • barefoot tess (finally - shoes in my size!)
  • kitson (bought something from here once; so far so good; the site's kinda tacky looking)
  • shopbop (cute stuff, but a lot of the girls are too thin)
  • shoes.com (tons of shoes)
ok, i'm not as familiar w/ the rest but they're cool too i think:

these fucks refuse to leave the accuser alone

this damn duke crap that's going on - these people have decided immediately that the accuser was lying, that she wasn't raped, and they're trying to vindicate the duke players. so let's mention what we know (ok, what the fuck i know):
  • the accuser is a:
    • student
    • former member of the armed services - yes, that's the military
    • 27-years old
  • what have i heard all the time:
    • stripper
    • single mother (which is bullshit; she's in a relationship)
    • liar
  • at the party:
    • the guys hired two strippers
    • they were yelling racial slurs at the very least afterward
now, the thing that gets me is that whatever the woman reported was mentioned as accusations. whatever the boys' lawyers told the press was repeated as gospel fact. what the fuck? is this a case of who has the best lawyer? then obviously the boys win. that doesn't determine guilt or innocence. and regardless of whether the boys did it or not, they aren't innocent - the least they are is not guilty. they are far from innocent.

if the rape allegation hadn't come up, i believe they never would've been reprimanded. it's crazy. if it had been me, they wouldn't have had to worry about being reprimanded by their school; i would've... well, i wasn't in that situation. i'm not going to be in that situation.

i don't know what went down. God knows. i wish there was more of a balanced representation of the sides.

well, whatever, not to be surprised - the media is nothing more than people - and we know how fucked up people are in general.

a story from biased, untrustworthy abcnews - so why i'm linking to them, who knows...

new clothes!

yeah, looks like i chose the latter. but forget that for a minute - i just got my new clothes in the mail! these are the goods:

the shoes are obviously from kitson; the rest of the stuff is from asos. and altogether (including s&h) it was about $130. sweet, huh! ;-)

why send resumes when i can procrastinate instead?

i am officially procrastinating on these resumes. how do i know i'm procrastinating? well, when i look online for some picture that conveys procrastination rather than writing another resume, um, that's procrastination. i'm kind of tired of filling these things out and getting no responses.

i've never had this type of situation where i apply for places and don't get a job immediately. i guess the higher jobs i/you/people go for, the stiffer the competition is.

ok, i'm either going to work on my resumes, or... write another blog entry. we'll see.

what is that?

eww. i know, when someone mentions a jackson nose, chances are they're talking about michael. but this time i'm mentioning latoya. what is that? there's a part of me that feels so bad for her - and the rest of their clan - b/c their abundance of self-hate blares through. on the other hand, i just think they - and she - are ridiculous. *shudder*

Thursday, June 22, 2006

katharine mcphee's bulimia battle - and 41-year old boyfriend


katharine mcphee shared in an interview with teen magazine that she struggled with bulimia for five years. she went to treatment for it. props to her for sharing about it. i was surprised, but then again i guess i don't get too surprised when anyone comes out w/ an eating disorder. it's prevelant as hell, and i mean, shit, i can relate.

American Idol'
s Simon Cowell called runner-up Katharine McPhee's voice "the best of the competition." What hardly anyone knew, however, was that she'd risked destroying that voice: She'd struggled with bulimia for five years, and the self-induced vomiting could have taken away her ability to sing.

At her worst point, she was throwing up as many as seven times a day, which is like "putting a sledgehammer to your vocal cords," she tells PEOPLE in its new issue.

Finally, after successfully auditioning for Idol last fall, McPhee, 22, decided to seek help. "When I made it onto American Idol, I knew that food – my eating disorder – was the one thing really holding me back," she says. "I was bingeing my whole life away for days at a time … So when I got on the show, I said, 'You know what? I can do well in this competition. Let me give myself a chance and just get ahold of this thing.' "

With the support of her parents, Peisha, 52, and Daniel, 57, and her actor boyfriend, Nick Cokas, 41
(!!), in October McPhee enrolled at Los Angeles's Eating Disorder Center of California, where she spent three months undergoing group and individual therapy, six days a week."

I knew I had put off going to a treatment center long enough – I'd been struggling with bulimia since I was 17," she says. "Growing up in Los Angeles and spending all those years in dance class, I'd been conscious of body image at a young age, and I went through phases of exercising compulsively and starving myself. … Food was my crutch; it was how I dealt with emotions and uncomfortable situations."

Finally, her program at the Eating Disorder Center helped her gain control of her relationship with food – but it wasn't easy. "I really had to surrender and give up having a free life to do the program, because I'd be there from 9 in the morning until 7 at night. … I remember that first night, my dad holding me, crying and saying, 'I don't know why you have to suffer through this, but it's going to be okay.' "

Now, McPhee, whose first single comes out June 27, has dropped 30 lbs. as a result of the "intuitive eating" approach she learned at the center. "I learned that there's no such thing as a bad food," she says. "If you look at a doughnut, people think it's a fattening food – why? Because if you eat it you'll get fat? No, you'll get fat if you eat 10 doughnuts."

Although McPhee admits she's still learning to deal with stress – "I still bite my nails," she says – she's much happier these days. Of getting treatment for her illness, she says, "That's why I say American Idol saved my life, because if I hadn't auditioned I don't think I would have gotten a handle on food."

what got me was that she mentioned her boyfriend was 41. i mean, i can relate to that too, but how do her parents feel about it? eeks. it's funny, looking at it from someone else shows me how gross and skeezy that is. i need to remember that next time i think of dating someone a lot older than me. why date someone who's experienced their whole life already?

all in all, as i said, good for her. that takes guts (pun not intended) and i'm proud of her.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

cbs would rather save face

or so it seems with their little story about dan rather leaving after 44 years. little snide comments pop up every once in awhile. possibly they were trying to come off as non-biased, presenting both sides of the argument. instead, they seem more like pussy-ass bitches who are trying to cover their asses as rather leaves.

reminds me how i don't have anything to do w/ bloody viacom (parent company of cbs).

Dan Rather Signs Off
Veteran Newsman Exits CBS After 44 Years With Tiffany Network

NEW YORK, June 20, 2006

CBS) Dan Rather is leaving CBS after 44 years with the Tiffany Network.
Sean McManus, president of CBS News and Sports, made the announcement.
"Of all the famous names associated with CBS News, the biggest and brightest on the marquee are Murrow, Cronkite and Rather," McManus said. "With the utmost respect, we mark the extraordinary and singular role Dan has played in writing the script of not only CBS News, but of broadcast journalism."
CBS News is working on a primetime special on the newsman's career. It is scheduled to be broadcast sometime this fall. CBS News also will make a contribution to Rather's alma mater, now called Sam Houston State University.
Rather's contract with the network was scheduled to expire in November, but he was unable to reach agreement with CBS on a new pact. He had worked as a correspondent for "60 Minutes" since stepping down as anchor of the "CBS Evening News" last year.
He issued a statement Tuesday critical of CBS' handling of the contract talks. Rather said his early departure "represents CBS's final acknowledgement, after a protracted struggle, that they had not lived up to their obligation to allow me to do substantive work there. As for their offers of a future with only an office but no assignments, it just isn't in me to sit around doing nothing."
In response to the statement, a CBS spokeswoman said: "We value and respect Dan's tremendous career at CBS News. Despite the fact that we couldn't reach an agreement that satisfied everyone, we wish him all future success."
Rather told the New York Times that he is considering an offer from Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban to do a weekly news program for Cuban's HDNet cable channel.
Rather bid a bittersweet goodbye to the "Evening News" in March 2005 after 24 years in the anchor chair. He stepped down 24 years to the day after he replaced another CBS News icon: Walter Cronkite.
Bob Schieffer has been the interim anchor since Rather's departure. Katie Couric, who joins the network this summer, will take over the anchor chair in September.
Tom Brokaw, who along with Rather and Peter Jennings were the three faces of television news for decades, said he spoke with Rather recently about life after the anchor chair.
"As Dan himself might say, he's just a bulldog reporter who can't wait to get out there and get his teeth on a story. I wish him only the best,'' said Brokaw.
During his long and prolific career with CBS News, Rather has written six books, anchored six presidential election campaigns and covered a dozen wars on five continents.
He has braved hurricanes, waded through flood waters, dodged bullets, comforted wounded GIs, mouthed off to presidents, wept on camera, become a lightning rod for conservatives and been badly beaten by a dangerous maniac on Park Avenue.
A 50-year career in journalism has made Rather a witness to modern American history: the assassination of President Kennedy, the civil rights movement, Watergate, wars in Vietnam and Iraq. The correspondent and anchorman has also interviewed hundreds of world leaders and newsmakers ranging from Mother Teresa to Saddam Hussein.
This road well traveled has been strewn with "Ratherisms," folksy sayings that can make one smile or wince or both. It was Rather who told us that the Florida presidential race was as "hotter than a Times Square Rolex" and who reminded us of the importance of swing states: "It don't mean a thing if they don't get those swings."
Rather's departure from the "Evening News" was clouded by his high-profile role in a flawed CBS News story about President Bush's National Guard service and some harsh comments from old CBS colleagues, including Cronkite, who suggested Schieffer should have been given the anchor job years ago.
In September 2004, Rather was the correspondent on a "60 Minutes" Wednesday piece that used documents that purported to show Mr. Bush received preferential treatment during his years in the Texas Air National Guard.
The authenticity of the documents was almost immediately questioned, but CBS News and Rather continued to defend the story long after it was broadcast. An independent panel that probed the network's handling of the story concluded CBS News failed to follow basic journalistic principles in the preparation and reporting of the piece.
Although the Guard story was a low point in Rather's career, it was far from his only brush with controversy. There were well-publicized run-ins with two top Republicans, Richard Nixon and President Bush the elder. And in 2001, he made an embarrassing appearance at a Democratic fundraiser in Texas hosted by his daughter.
These events contributed to Rather's status as a lightning rod for conservative critics who view him as a symbol of what they see as the media's liberal bias.
The Texas-born Rather had always dreamed of a career in journalism. He grew up in Houston, where he began reporting the news for local radio and TV stations.
"We didn't own a TV set, and we didn't know anybody who did," Rather told Texas Monthly. "My dream was to be a byline reporter on either the Houston Chronicle or the Houston Post."
His breakthrough came in 1961, when his daring coverage of Hurricane Carla for KHOU-TV attracted the attention of CBS.

Below are some memorable events in his CBS career:

  • 1962: Joins CBS News as chief of the network's Southwest bureau in Dallas, where it was his job to cover 23 states, Mexico and Central America.
  • Nov. 22, 1963: Reports live from the scene of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. Not only was CBS the first network on the scene, but Rather was also the first to report Kennedy had died.
  • 1964: Promoted to White House correspondent for CBS News.
  • 1965: Sent to Vietnam — at his own request — to cover the war.
  • 1966: Returns to the U.S. and resumes his role as White House correspondent.
  • 1974: His combative style is captured in a memorable moment while exchanging verbal jabs with President Nixon. First, Rather is booed and applauded when he stands to ask Nixon a question. Mr. Nixon turned the question around: "Are you running for something?" "No, sir, Mr. President," Rather shot back. "Are you?" This angers the White House. Several CBS affiliates asked for his resignation.
  • 1974: Co-wrote a book about Watergate, "The Palace Guard," which became a best-seller. Another book, "The Camera Never Blinks," was published in 1977.
  • 1980: Slips into Afghanistan in disguise following the Soviet invasion. The escapade earns him a nickname: "Gunga Dan."
  • March 9, 1981: "CBS Evening News" anchor Walter Cronkite retires, and Rather takes over.
  • 1986: Rather is attacked and badly beaten on Park Avenue by a deranged man later convicted of murdering an NBC stagehand. Rather's woozy recollection of his attacker's words, "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" becomes the title of a song by rock band R.E.M.
  • 1987: Rather walks off the "Evening News" set in anger after the network decided to let the U.S. Open tennis tournament run overtime, cutting into the news broadcast. CBS was left with dead air for six minutes.
  • Jan. 25, 1988: In an interview with then-Vice President George H.W. Bush, Rather presses the future president about his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair. A heated exchange follows, with Mr. Bush asking Rather whether he wished to be judged for the tennis walk-off.
  • 1990: Is the first American journalist to interview Saddam Hussein after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
  • March 31, 1999: Secures an exclusive first sit-down interview with President Clinton following the Monica Lewinsky scandal and his impeachment by the House.
  • 2001: Breaks into tears twice on David Letterman's late-night show while discussing the 9/11 attacks a few days after the tragedy.
  • Feb. 24, 2003: Gets the most sought-after interview in the world: an exclusive one-on-one with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, the first time the Iraqi leader talks with an American journalist since 1991.
  • March 9, 2005: Rather steps down as anchor of the "Evening News."