Sunday, October 07, 2007

Things that make me go ugh

So not more than twenty minutes ago, I went to deposit money at the bank. I'm about to cross a street, but obviously I needed to wait until cars weren't coming so I didn't walk in front of them. This driver in this car, this maroon-colored VW Jetta, seemed to hesitate, as though not sure whether to be polite and let me walk across the street or whether to keep driving. He chose the latter. Cool, no worries. I start crossing the street so he would pass me before I got up to his car. I'm sure many of you have done it - time your walking so you don't hit a passing car. If you're in a city environment, cars are used to it - they know you're timing when you walk to how fast their car is moving. When you're in towns, people sometimes don't know what you're doing - they're wondering if you want to cross in front of them, if they're supposed to stop or continue.

People might have different reactions, but one that I have never received before is someone quickly locking their doors.

Now, let me stop for a moment. First, why would someone lock their doors if they're in a car - obviously if they sped away, I would never catch up with them. Secondly, there was nothing in my demeanour that exhibited threat. Assertive, possibly, but not aggressive. I wasn't even looking at the guy and his chick - I was looking across the street at the bank.

I just heard the click - and the first feeling that went into my head was irritated dismissal. "Fuck 'em."

But as the seconds and the minutes went by, I went from irritation to this weird, irrational type of fury. "See, things like that explain why people want to kill ---." "Things like that make me want to kill ---." "They're scared; I should give them something to be scared of."

Time to let that anger go. No need to be angry at an imbecile. A little scared, pussy-ass bitch who reacts to his own irrational prejudices by being a punk.


Apparently I might need to take some more time to have this anger out of my system.

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