Monday, August 21, 2006

today's successes

i just thought of the call and response that people sometimes did at church:

"God is good."
"all the time."

i'm having that kind of moment now.

ok, so the interview that i went on last week, the one that i was late for and that i had to make an unfortunate pitstop for, has blossomed into a job offer. right now i'm in the process of negotiations. this is my first time ever negotiating salary, so the first thing i feel is bad, guilty, selfish - all those things. i was talking about it w/ some women on saturday, and one of them said to me that companies expect that. ugh, i still feel pretty bad, but i think i would've felt worse had i not asked. i would've wondered, "what if..." and i definitely don't feel like having any more 'what ifs' than necessary.

so i'm not moving across the country. i'm staying pretty close to where i am now. i'm planning on moving to where i'm working, though, b/c even i, who likes to drive, do not want to make that commute everyday.

what else? my brother and i went to see... snakes on a plane yesterday. i know, cra-zy, huh? i don't recall seeing a movie all year (oh wait, i did see a movie, akeelah and the bee, w/ my mom b/c she wanted to watch it. so the second movie theater movie i go and see is soap. that's weird. even weirder is that my brother enjoyed it (he was the one at first who didn't want to go b/c he thought the concept was ridiculous). it was okay. i enjoyed it. but i'm too frugal/cheap to spend movie theater money on a regular basis.

um, what else? at this moment, life is good. one thing i am seeing more and more is that i do put too much confidence in myself. that's why when i feel that i'm not doing what i'm supposed to or i get into my head that i'm a 'failure' in some way, i get really hard on myself - b/c i often determine my worth in myself and how i act or what i do. if i'm looking to myself for... perfection or whatever, i'll always be disappointed.

ok, i'm either going to work on my novel a little more or read for a little while.


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