Monday, August 14, 2006

dead presidents

despite how it sounds, i'm not pumping out a wish list. i'm speaking of the movie. i watched part of it a few days - this vietnam war scene. wow. i just looked at the imdb page and it mentioned "strong graphic violence". um, yeah. in this one scene, an american soldier went off to use the bathroom in the bushes w/out telling anybody because he didn't want anyone near him when he did his business.

when the soldiers realized he'd gone off, they went running, looking for him, and found him - i kid you not - with his stomach slashed completely open, some of his intestines spilling out on top, and his dick in his mouth. ok, even just typing this makes me want to stop. that was definitely the most disturbing scene i've seen in a long time.

oh, to make it better, the guy wasn't dead yet. i hoped that the thing hanging out of his mouth was just his intestines. i'd hoped that the vietnamese soldiers had just cut off part of his small intestines and stuck it in his mouth. no such luck. the soldiers gave him some morphine and tried to cover his stomach so they could rush him back to the compound. i started yelling, "what's wrong with you?! kill him! he's in pain!" the soldier begged anthony to kill him and eventually anthony did (by overdosing him on morphine). i was pissed off that they didn't kill him right away, to put him out of his misery. i was pissed off that they had that graphic of a scene in a movie. i mean, there's a huge difference from night of the living dead zombies eating intestines versus realistic war movie guy w/ his intestines hanging out.

war is a crazy, crazy horrible thing. it's amazing that more people who go to war don't end up com-plete-ly fucked up. it would be understandable if they did. i mean, i was upset and i was just watching a movie; i can't imagine actually being in the midst of it!

it seems as if there should be some law that states before a leader sends his soldiers off to war, he has to have at least fought in a war himself, so he has a clearer picture of what hell he's sending them to.

there is something interesting about people who complain, "you don't care about the troops!" i never see those people make a peep about veterans. are the troops only important while they're at war? isn't it our responsibility to say, "you risked your life for your country. now we're going to take good care of you"?

just a thought.


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