Wednesday, August 16, 2006

morning thoughts

1. i was thinking about how i make an effort to not offend people. i mean, i do try a lot of the times. particularly, i guess, when i write. yet, i still seem to offend people left and right. sometimes i understand it (i have some non-conformist views), but other time it hits me from left field.

it makes me think: why do i make such an effort not to offend people? why tiptoe gingerly around issues? why try to be diplomatic? if i feel a certain way, maybe i should just be bold, shout it from the rooftop, and if i offend someone, too bad so sad. it wasn't my intention, but oh well.

i'm too ____ for that, i think. (the "____" is because my mind's a little mushy and i couldn't think of anything to put there.

2. crazy situation yesterday! i was driving to a city about an hour away. only thing was it took me 2 1/2 hours. and it was for an interview. so needless to say, i wasn't happy about that. but the crazy thing is i had coffee and water yesterday morning and coffee flies through my bladder. i knew, whilst on the road, that i would not make it to my destination unscathed. i sped off the highway, drove to the back of some parking lot, ran to the bushes (behind a dumpster), and emptied my system. i was trying to hold my skirt up so nothing would splash on it (the dry leaves on the ground were causing a slight problem). but in the process, i realized i had my skirt all the way up in the back, so if someone was looking through the woods, they'd be able to see my bare ass. oh my gosh. i was slightly embarassed. ok, probably more than that. but i jumped back on the road again.

3. i feel like i'm in an uber-sensitive mood right now. i don't like that. i do wish i was a lot more callous and non-analytical and not so concerned with what other people think of me.

4. i probably drove 4/ 4 1/2 hours yetserday and i only had a couple flashes of road rage, which is super for me! i was very glad for that (the lack of it, that is).

5. i've got to take a nap. i'm ex-bloody-hausted.


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