Thursday, September 27, 2007

Flaring Neck pt. 1

yeah, this is probably not the most exciting, but it's pertinent to me right now.

My neck is flaring. The left side. I really want to put Bengay* on it (*who the fuck named that product), but it's too strong-smelling (I'm still at work). My back hurts too. I've been trying to contort my body into all kinds of positions (you should've seen me twisting whilst on the balance ball; that was nuts), cracked various... whatever it is one cracks, but still it's irritated.

The funny thing is, if I'm not mistaken, my neck and back - particularly at the same time - haven't been really sore in a week or week and a half. I thought it was because I was trying to mix time on the balance ball with time on my new chair (which I got to rectify the back/neck/shoulder pain).

More than likely, though, it's a stress thing. Woo, crazy thought. Bu here it is (see: I told you it's not that interesting):
I was feeling pretty stressed at my job because I felt I wasn't catching up as quickly as I should and had a lot of backlog to do. Still really enjoyed my job, but enjoying doesn't necessarily take away the stress.
So what am I stressed about now? *Cough* to be continued...


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