Monday, September 24, 2007

lame post

Yes, I admit it before I even start - this is a lame post. Why? Because I said that I would say something positive in my next post and I figured I'd better get this out of the way as I always want to talk about more serious things.

Ok, yesterday and the day before yesterday, I spent some time outside. Now this wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that I don't like to spend time outside. I'm absolutely a homebody. It's easy for me to stay inside for days at a time. But when I went outside on Saturday, what the hell did I find? Doggonnit - the fresh air was nice! I felt sort of revitalized! It was like a plant opening up after getting some much needed water. I actually walked around for awhile, sat somewhere and wrote in my journal (talk about an exercise in mental gymnastics), watched the cars go by...

Speaking of cars going by...

I notice that I watch cars like I watch chicks. For instance, I might look at a woman/girl/female/whatever and think, "look at her legs," "look at her butt," "look at her chest," and so on. I'll look at cars labels the same way. The label that a car sports on its back is equivalent to legs or a butt. A car can either get more points for looking nice and fairly new or lose points for looking dirty and slightly beat up *cough*likemine*cough*. But it's that same comparing thing. Where does that car (that person) line up next to mine (next to me)? Compare always always always equals despair.

Okay, maybe not always always always, but almost almost always.

Wow, this post is getting lamer by the minute... :-p



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