Sunday, September 30, 2007

Flaring Neck pt. 2

... continued...

I was stressed because I found myself (I love how I phrase that - "found myself" - as though somehow I had a passive part in it) having a crush on this guy at work. Married guy. At work. Please tell me in how many ways that is wrong!

I think I'm feeling a little calmer regarding that because I've come to the point where:
a) I'm not going to do anything with him. We get along fairly well, and if anything were to happen, besides the inappropriateness of it and the fear of others from work finding out, at some time (whether immediately or, more than likely, somewhere down the line), I'd have intense remorse. Really deep remorse. Do I screw up? All the bloody time. But I try to keep myself from doing things that I regret (not frivolous, unimportant regrets, like eating too much, but weighing-on-my-heart regrets). I definitely try to avoid situations of remorse. So that being said, I've been able to say to myself that nothing will happen between us because I seriously doubt he would pursue anything and I'm not going to.
b) I've decided I need to start dating. I've been really hesitant (because sometimes I don't pick the best people), but I'd much rather date some random dude than spend time even thinking about hooking up with someone from work.

Here's hoping my neck isn't sore this week. If I remember, I'll try to report about it.


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