Thursday, October 25, 2007

The lack of negative entries

Don't get me wrong - I definitely haven't stopped writing negative entries, nor do I plan to. For instance, the more I hear people speak of hellary clinton as though she's already president, the more I think, "I hate that bitch." Other things set me off too - if I posted everything that I had an opinion on, I'd have no time to work. And I'd probably feel miserable.

Which is why I haven't posted a lot of stories I've thought of writing about. Partially it's because I'm pretty busy at work. But maybe even more than that is because a lot of them are negative stories, and sometimes I feel as if wasting any time on negativity comes back my way. For instance, I think of someone doing something "asshole-y" and so I blog about it. Well great, if it helps me feel better. But if I'm still stewing about it, then I'm still in that space and I'm wrapped in the negativity of the story. Often, I'd rather not even waste the time to write about something that's irritating because I don't want to give it any more energy.

It's late so hopefully this post makes sense. I'm going to stop writing before I'm really redundant. :-)



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