Sunday, October 07, 2007

Congo - will it be the rape or the gorillas?

Methinks it'll be the gorillas.

Pardon - I might feel kind of cynical (read 'Things that make me go ugh').

I just read this article that says "[Congo] Rebels seize habitat for endangered gorillas".* Earlier today, I saw an article, "Horrific Rape Epidemic Devastating Eastern Congo".** Which do I think will get more coverage? Well, I doubt neither will get much. (C'mon, y'all, it's Africa - who wants to cover Africa?) But between the two stories, which will get the most coverage? I would bet it will be the gorillas. Why?

It's that part of us that feels sorry for animals. Makes us sympathize with animals, particularly baby animals, but will keep us from feeling the same thing with people.

I would love - love, love, love - to be proven wrong. We'll see. I'll check in in a couple days.

(as I'm sure the articles will not be posted for long, but I don't want to post the whole articles, I'll post an opening paragraph from each):

* Rebels have seized an area in eastern Congo that serves as a wildlife habitat for endangered mountain gorillas, threatening one of the last known populations of the animals, conservationists said Sunday.

** Every day, 10 new women and girls who have been raped show up at his hospital. Many have been so sadistically attacked from the inside out, butchered by bayonets and assaulted with chunks of wood, that their reproductive and digestive systems are beyond repair.
“We don’t know why these rapes are happening, but one thing is clear,” said Dr. Mukwege, who works in South Kivu Province, the epicenter of Congo’s rape epidemic. “They are done to destroy women.”


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