Friday, June 23, 2006

these fucks refuse to leave the accuser alone

this damn duke crap that's going on - these people have decided immediately that the accuser was lying, that she wasn't raped, and they're trying to vindicate the duke players. so let's mention what we know (ok, what the fuck i know):
  • the accuser is a:
    • student
    • former member of the armed services - yes, that's the military
    • 27-years old
  • what have i heard all the time:
    • stripper
    • single mother (which is bullshit; she's in a relationship)
    • liar
  • at the party:
    • the guys hired two strippers
    • they were yelling racial slurs at the very least afterward
now, the thing that gets me is that whatever the woman reported was mentioned as accusations. whatever the boys' lawyers told the press was repeated as gospel fact. what the fuck? is this a case of who has the best lawyer? then obviously the boys win. that doesn't determine guilt or innocence. and regardless of whether the boys did it or not, they aren't innocent - the least they are is not guilty. they are far from innocent.

if the rape allegation hadn't come up, i believe they never would've been reprimanded. it's crazy. if it had been me, they wouldn't have had to worry about being reprimanded by their school; i would've... well, i wasn't in that situation. i'm not going to be in that situation.

i don't know what went down. God knows. i wish there was more of a balanced representation of the sides.

well, whatever, not to be surprised - the media is nothing more than people - and we know how fucked up people are in general.

a story from biased, untrustworthy abcnews - so why i'm linking to them, who knows...


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