Monday, June 26, 2006

sniffing a free pass

it really irks me how all these rich people get slaps on the hand when they fuck up, but everyday people get major jail time.

for instance, AP reports, "Boy George won't be going to jail. But the former Culture Club singer got a scolding from a judge Monday for not complying with the terms of his sentence on a drug charge." let that be a poor person. do you really think that they'd just be scolded if they didn't comply with their sentence?

another: remember when michelle rodriguez got her, what was it, fiftieth dui (for technicalities, read here) and she was supposed to go to jail for sixty days. she ended up serving four hours because "the jail was overcrowded." what crock!

and kate moss, who's seen on pictures snorting away, not only gets a rack of modeling deals, but also the british have decided not to prosecute her. let that be a poor, colored person and if they just think the person did coke, they'd lock them up in prison in a second.

don't get me wrong - i don't support criminalizing drug use. if people want to use drugs and fuck themselves up, that is truly their prerogative. i think it's ri-di-cu-lous that we put people in jail for that. but i'll save that ran for another day.

nonetheless, if we are going to put people in jail for using drugs, let's treat all people the same. fuck the you're-a-celebrity-i'll-let-you-off-the-hook.

it looks like i just touched on the famous issue. i'll leave the rich issue for another time.


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