Friday, July 07, 2006

yahoo answers, bono & africa

there's this thing on yahoo called "yahoo answers". bono asked a question: "what can we do to make poverty history?" some person, deez3po2003, answered:

Maybe rich white uncle toms ought to look at the poverty crisis in THEIR OWN COUNTRY first before trying to solve unsolveable problems in other countries!
1. Overpopulation.
2. Citizens unable to feed the number of children they give birth to.
3. Corrupt governments.
4. People donating food to starving people who give birth to 10 more starving people etc.....
5. Genocide and wars which creates food shortages.
There isn't one, just a hopeless cycle of international LOANS, and then international DEBT RELIEF. But waste your time helping other people who hate you, doesn't bother me, you aren't getting a red cent.

The first popped out at me immediately. Overpopulation? Africa has just over 900 million people (
915,210,928; 14.1%). Yes, that is more than the U.S.'s 300 million (or so we will be at the end of this year). But think about it: Africa is the second largest continent. Asia, which is the largest, has over 3 1/2 billion (3,667,774,066; 56.4%). Europe, which is the second smallest (or fifth largest) in regard to space, has almost as many people as Africa (807,289,020; 12.4%). So if anyone wants to deal with overpopulation, let's look at Asia and Europe first.

Another thing that caught my attention - corrupt governments. Unfortunately, that can be said about almost all governments in this world. I think a condition for even being a government is that there is a certain amount of corruptness.

anyway, by the time the writer gets to his last sentence, he's being so ridiculous, it's not even worth addressing.

the next post, manofadvntr, is less of an asshole but still off in lalaland. at least he's not bitching about "white uncle toms" (whatever the fuck that was), but he's marveling about his wife's native country of vietnam. woo hoo. he does the characteristic "them" whilst referring to africans (you know how it can be, distancing yourself from people by grouping them as "them". I don't think he means to be patronizing, but he is. But he has some retarded assumptions, such as, "
I think the first steps should be toward education, tolerance and respect for others," (because of course we Americans have such great elementary school education. Oh yeah, and such tolerance and respect for others. That's evidenced by our bulldozing into Iraq.) He further says, "Once they realize the violence actually hurts all of the peoples, hopefully they will then start taking the steps toward a brighter future." Um, ok. And then he says, "Hopefully we can show by example and sell them on the rewards of Peace." What? What rewards of "Peace"? Peace by War, which we seem to be touting? No thanks, I'll pass.

I do agree with what he said here: "
I look forward to the day that the many peoples of Africa will start working together to stabilize and better their future." Hell, him and me both.

So, seeing as I'm being such a smartass, I guess I should share my views. What the fuck would I do to make poverty history? (Since we're dealing with Africa, I'll just stick with that.)

  • The idealist in me would love for countries, the UN, the World Bank, etc. to invest in Africa. The libertarian in me knows that the more governments are involved in companies , the worst it gets. Therefore, I support private contributions. People should invest themselves. I'm not just putting my money where my mouth is. I've been sponsoring a girl in Kenya for about six years. Yeah, I know, I'm such a bloody saint. Actually, I'm not; I'm just trying to do what I can to help. My plan is as I get more money (as I make more money), I will invest more into the continent to help it out.

  • Another thing I agree with is family planning. No, I don't agree with abortion, as I've stated before, but I do wholeheartedly support birth control. I am so supportive of condom distribution and birth contol education.

  • I could go on and on about this topic, but I'm not in the space to think too much more about it. Remind me to continue it later.


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