Wednesday, July 05, 2006

lieb & dems are punks

they continue to be punks, and it's seeming like they always will be punks. they're playing the same pussy-ass games now that they did last election. did they forget -- they lost the last election! hmm, maybe doing the same damn thing isn't a good idea.

yeah, the republicans are a-holes, but the democrats are wimps. so comfortable are they in their wimpyhood that senators such as biden, boxer and salazar are going to connecticut to campaign for lieberman. listen, you dumbasses - if the citizens of conn. aren't going to vote for lieberman, maybe there's a reason. maybe the voters are saying, "we're tired of politics as usual." these dems should be more worried about regaining the majority in congress, rather than whether their personal friend lieb is going to win his primary.

stupid fucks.

senate colleagues to help lieberman


Blogger oneday@atime said...

haha, i love when i find articles that share my sentiments. even better when it's after i've posted, such as this case.

what the hell is is barbara boxer thinking: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/what-the-hell-is-barbara-_b_24516.html

9:12 PM  

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