Friday, July 14, 2006


ok, yeah i know, cry me a motherfucking river. i am feeling so discouraged with not finding a job. i hate how i keep seeing jobs that i want pass by. i almost feel like saying, "if you don't like my resume, will you let me know why so i can revise it?" um, obviously i'm not going to do that, but i wish i could.

i'm starting to think maybe i'm not supposed to move cross-country. i mean, i want to, but i was talking with God and i said, "if You don't want me to go, please help me to be willing to follow Your will." nothing is really turning up in the city i'm looking at, so i'm starting to look around the area i currently live. the industries i'm looking for aren't as prevelant here, but maybe i'm not even supposed to be doing this industry. who knows?

i know, complaining gets old. and i have to remember that everything will work out in the end. it will.



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