Friday, June 09, 2006

why i'm writing

hi all!

i'm starting this blog for several reasons.
1. i'm online a lot. it seems easiest to just write what i'm thinking here.
2. i rarely write in my journal anymore. (therefore, refer to #1)
3. i'm pretty opinionated and a lot of times i don't really get it out. i always feel better once i voice my frustrations (or excitements) b/c i feel like i'm being proactive.
4. there are often things that i wouldn't want to write on my 'main' blog b/c i don't necessarily want folks knowing that those things are coming from my mind. but i don't mind sharing it in general. i'm pretty open.

all right. now that that's settled...
* i swear. sometimes a lot. be aware - it'll happen.
* i can be offensive. thank God most of my friends don't get that offended by what i say. but if you didn't know me, you might.
* um, running out of asterick things to say, so i'll just start an entry. or maybe i won't. after all, i am at work right now.


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